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26th July, 2nd and 3rd August 2024

The Merida Festival in Regina

The collaboration of the Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Mérida with the Festival de Teatro de Regina, in Casas de Reina, continues in 2024, thus reinforcing the commitment to bring the magic of theatre to more and more places and to more and more lovers of this art.

Through the collaboration agreement between the two festivals, the Festival de Mérida sponsors the most important show of this event, organized by the Town Council of Casas de Reina.

This year, on 26 July, the public will be able to enjoy the show Miles Gloriosus, produced in collaboration with the ONCE Group, while on 2 August, Los titanes will be performed, starring Daniel Diges and Ramoncín, among others. Finally, on the 3rd it will be the turn of El regalo de Zeus.